Brawna Muscle Growth

Hello, this is not an original story; I just copied and pasted from , and then did a very superficial editing pass to switch the sexes around, and figured I'd share. I'd like to have done more, but basically I'm too lazy. Hope no one objects, and someone enjoys.
“What was it you wanted to show me, Dave?” Nathan asked as he came down the stairs into the basement and entered his neighbor's ‘laboratory’.
“My new invention!” David said proudly, waving his hand at a gleaming metal cabinet that stood against the wall.
Nathan stared at the machine.
“It’s nice,” he said. “I like all the glass, the colored lights and the wobbly things on it.”
“Those are dials and voltage and current indicators.” David said condescendingly.
“Oh,” Nathan said with a puzzled frown and downcast eyes. “I see.”
“It’s all right, kiddo. You don’t have to understand all those devices, only that this is the greatest invention man has ever made!”
“It is?” Nathan said, clearly confused.
David put his arm around his admirer's narrow shoulders, and waved even more extravagantly at the machine with his free hand.
“This will overturn the scientific principles of evolution as we know them. More importantly, it will give me the opportunity to revolutionize everything in our daily lives!”
“Really? But what does it do?” Nathan asked.
“I call it ‘The Superior Machine’!” David said, ignoring the question for a second.
“Oh, so it’s better than other machines, you mean?”
David laughed.
“No, no, no, little guy. What this device does is take two separate individuals, measures all their physical and mental parameters, and then transforms one of them into a being who is at least twice as superior as the other one in every relevant respect.”
“Uhm,” Nathan said, thinking hard. “Is that good?”
“Good?” David said. “Why, it’s fantastic! We’ll be able to produce superior children, make geniuses even smarter, make athletes even stronger, and healthy people even healthier! Then we’ll reap the benefits of all the discoveries these ‘new men’ will make! We’ll create, thanks to me, a paradise on earth!”
“But what’ll happen to the other one?” Nathan said. “Won’t it make the, um, inferior one feel bad? You know, to be inferior can be sometimes, um, difficult. And then, to become even more --”
He waved his hand, dismissing the objection. “A mere detail I’m sure they can live with! After all, the inferior one will be able to enjoy the benefits produced by the superior ones, just as you enjoy having a better TV set each time you get a new one. After all you don’t have the slightest idea how they work, and certainly not how to make a better one! Yet you enjoy the programs you watch.”
Nathan nodded uncertainly. “I do but … I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right!” He let go of Nathan and walked over to the machine and patted it affectionately. “Oh yes, this will definitely....”
On David’s third friendly pat, the machine suddenly went from standby to life, its dials and lights glowing and jittering.
‘POWER ON’ a mechanical voice said.
“Oops.” David said. “Must have accidentally started the power up. I’ll just turn it off here.
He flipped a switch on the front of the cabinet. Nothing happened.
“That’s strange.” David said, flipping the switch back and forth. “It doesn’t seem to be turning off.”
“Say now! Shouldn’t be doing that!” he said, a bit feverishly, desperately pressing buttons to power down the machine.
“Is everything all right, Dave?” a wide eyed Nathan asked anxiously, wringing his small hands together and moving closer to David's protective bulk.
A bright yellow beam shot from a glass lens on the machine in Nathan's direction and bathed him in a yellow aura for several seconds.
Startled, Nathan cried out.
“Oh! What’s it doing, Dave? I feel funny!”
A list of words and numbers flashed across the monitor screen set in the cabinet. Nathan watched in fascination as the machine recorded its evaluation of his characteristics.
IQ: 101;
He recognized a few other phrases, but most of the data went by far too quickly for him to assimilate.
‘SELECTING SECONDARY SUBJECT’ the metallic voice intoned.
The light blinked out, then returned, this time to bathe David in its glow.
IQ: 173;
Clearly upset, David jumped. “This can’t be happening!” he said, still trying in vain to shut his invention off. “Why won’t it stop!?”
“I don’t know. Is it dangerous, David?” a worried Nathan asked. “Maybe we should go upstairs.”
“Yes, we should,” David said. “But we’d better move quickly. I think it’s going to...”
He was interrupted by the machine’s programmed voice.
This time a different lens emitted a light blue beam that bathed Nathan in its glow for about three seconds.
“Dave! What’s going on now? I feel so strange!” Nathan cried, clearly frightened.
“It’s ... all right,” David said, as the machine finally cycled down. “It won’t hurt you. It’s only ...” he looked at the numbers flashing on the readout: ht6’8” iq256 bic25 che72 thi36 etc. He gasped.
“What is it? What’s wrong Dave?”
“I – I, you – you....” David spluttered, pointing at his neighbor with a shaking finger.
“What is it, Dave?” Nathan asked, getting scared. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Dave stared at the buttons of Nathan's shirt, which were straining mightily to hold together across his chest, which had expanded outward without any movement or effort on his part.
“What the heck...?” Nathan said, as a button popped off and David ducked.
“Oh shit!” he said, looking down at his now massive pectorals. “What’s happening to me!?”
Another button gave up the fight, and his lapels parted across a deep cleavage. Nathan involuntarily moaned in a newly enriched baritone as the tightening cloth sliding across his nipples sent a thrill of pleasure through him. He rolled his head and then his shoulders. “God, I feel so hot!”
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” David said, rushing over to Nathan, his hands reaching out to touch him, and then quickly pulled away as if afraid to. He looked helplessly at the machine, turned to Nathan, back to the machine and then again to Nathan. “It’s all happening … to you!
I never thought this could happen! I can’t stop it!! I can’t reverse it! I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do!”
“What?” Nathan gasped as the bottom of his shirt pulled free of his jeans. “What can’t be reversed?”
“The Superior Machine’s program! It’s working – on you!”
“On me!? So that’s what's doing this to me??” He put his hands on his hips and glared up at his neighbor, who was unnerved both by the turn of events and by the hulking sexy stud Nathan was becoming.
“It’s transforming you! Into ... into, er, um, a person superior to ME!” David exclaimed.
“No! Me? Superior to you? You’re joking, right?” Nathan said, one hand rising to partially cover his still expanding frame. “Really? How can that be?”
They were both silent for a moment, the realization of what was happening beginning to sink in.
“Umm, in every way?” Nathan asked, one hand on his hip, looking up at his normally confident neighbor.
“At least twice as superior, I did hear you say,” he said, his voice sounding unusually sharp.
David paused. “At least ...” he said in a small voice.
Nathan looked down at his feet to confirm why he felt a sudden coolness there. Sure enough, his pant legs had risen above the tops of his shoes a few inches, to bare the lower part of his legs above his ankles.
“That certainly explains why I’m getting taller, then.” he said, looking back up into David’s eyes, but not as far as he used to, since now he was only half a head shorter. “So it stands to reason that when the program runs its course it will be you who looks up to me!”
“Gulp!” David gulped.
“This is certainly a very different perspective on things – very interesting,” Nathan said, as he passed David’s height and now looked down on him slightly. Already David had to crane his head up to look at him. Nathan arched his perfect brow and regarded David with a smug expression, his shoulders visibly widening. “And I’m not simply referring to my superior height.”
“What – what do you mean?” David said, nervously appraising Nathan's arms, which were rapidly bulking up.
“Oh ... nothing.” he said, noticing where David was looking. Smiling, he raised his right arm, and clenched his fist. His smile widened as his sleeve immediately tightened around the bulge his bicep had already attained, and the fabric began to split across the thickest part of his expanding muscle.
“Evidently, my superiority involves my being stronger than you as well,” he said.
“You -- oh god no!” David blurted. “You can’t be!”
“Oh yes, quite a bit, I believe. Now, now David! Don’t be jealous. Don’t let these big muscles bother you so much. I will, inevitably, become at least twice as strong as you are.” Nathan said, placing his hands behind his head, his solidly rounded biceps bursting both sleeves simultaneously. 'You must have known that this was happening. It was completely predictable. Unless you have a 'mental block' against it.'
“Of course n-n-not ... holy – cow!” David said in shock, taking a step backward but unable to take his eyes off Nathan's still expanding biceps, his eyes shifting from one to the other in repeated amazement.
“They ARE very rapidly becoming extremely large, aren’t they?” he mused, repeatedly flexing them. “And I would deduce that their other qualities, meaning their density, their endurance and their power, as well as their size, are also becoming far superior to yours, the collective effect making my strength a much larger multiple of yours than any one factor would produce in isolation.”
“Are you sure about that?” David said uncertainly.
“Quite sure. But I think you’ll quickly learn to like them,” Nathan said mischievously, twisting his body to reveal more of his newly spectacular curves, “and perhaps even love them, especially because it's plain to see that my sexual appeal has also significantly increased.”
David’s eyes nearly jumped off his head as he tried to follow the complex spherical designs that the combination of Nathan's enhanced masculine attributes, his increased strength, and athletic flexibility now made possible.
“Not merely through the evidently appealing numerical ratios of my figure, but also my knowledge of movement, the timbre and tone of my voice, and even my natural pheromones. I can tell you are having the entire predictable male reaction, and that does please me. I do still find you pleasing and cute, although our relationship will be different. You won’t have to explain anything to me anymore, David. In fact, I’ll explain things to you instead and I’ll give YOU instructions, just as I am now, since I’m now far smarter than you!”
“It’s typical and completely predictable that you haven’t already noticed. I’m more than twice as intelligent as you are, even before your brains have been addled by your hormones. I’ll show you,” he continued, breezing by his startled neighbor as he walked over to the machine.
He tapped on the side of the cabinet nearest to the on/off switch David had been trying to shut the machine down with. “It's obvious to me,” he began, “that you wired the start circuit with your usual haste and left a faulty connection. Rapping the side of the console initiated the boot up sequence and started your brilliant, but poorly executed program running, and it continued to operate wholly independently of the poorly connected master control switch. Had you simply knocked again on the console in the same place you most likely would have terminated the program, and none of this would have happened.”
“Poorly executed!” David gasped in outrage, letting go the apparently correct diagnosis of his poor wiring. “My program’s not flawed!”
“Oh yes, but it is.” Nathan said, turning away and expertly opening a cover plate. David couldn’t help but notice how the cuffs of Nathan's tight jeans now rested above his calves, which had developed stunning heart shaped muscles.
“Perhaps due to your conception of our relationship, you conceived of individual qualities as a series of hierarchies, and of the subjects of the machine as pairs of inferior and superior individuals, rather than of qualitatively independent individuals. Of course, there was never any need for comparisons in the first place,” Nathan said as his long fingers deftly undid and then redid connections inside the panel. “That flaw, however, introduced an inherent uncertainty over the selection of primary and secondary subjects, which led directly to my own enhancement, no doubt contrary to your obviously unfounded expectation that you, as inventor, would necessarily be designated as the Primary Subject. The program I’m now designing will compare a pre-selected subject to ITSELF and then enhance him according to precise instructions. Nothing will be left to chance.”
“Wait! What are you doing?” David said, approaching him as he snapped the panel shut. “I don’t want you fiddling with my machine, Nathan!”
Ignoring him, Nathan typed away at the keyboard mounted on the panel under the viewscreen, so rapidly that David couldn’t follow the flashing diagrams that appeared and disappeared like magic on the monitor.
“Stop!” he said, reaching out to grab Nathan's arm.
So quickly that he didn’t even see his arm move, Nathan ensnared David’s wrist in his right hand as he continued typing with his left, fingers flying faster than David could see. His grip was crushing, and it was all Nathan could do to stop himself from crying out for mercy.
“You forget, I’m at least twice as quick as you too, friend.” he said, turning and looking down at him from his nine inch height advantage. “As well as being taller, smarter and stronger.”
“Ow...” David cried.
“Much, much stronger, as I said. Sorry.” Nathan said, releasing his wrist, which he promptly snatched back and began to rub. “I didn’t intend to hurt you. Now don’t look so glum, David! I may be far superior to you, but you should take pride that I’m the proof of the success of the operation your device, even if not in accordance with the intention of its programmer. You might think of me as your creation. You should be proud of me, not jealous!”
“Who says I’m jealous?” David grumbled.
“I can read you like a book with glass covers!” Nathan said, laughing at him. “You have no secrets from my enhanced senses and perceptions!”
A few more keystrokes and Nathan hit ENTER.
“There! Finished!” he said.
“What have you done to it?” David asked, his curiosity overcoming his trepidation for the moment.
Nathan faced David and put his hands on David's shoulders, so much narrower than his own.
“David,” he said, looking at him earnestly. “I’ve decided I agree with you.”
“Huh? About what?”
“About your initial concept of transforming certain individuals into superior beings, whose accomplishments will then benefit mankind as a whole. Except now I’ve taken your idea one very large step further.”
“M-meaning?” he asked.
“Meaning I will now make MYSELF superior to my present state! Far superior. So, while I am currently your creation, in a short time I will be my own.”
“What! You mean, you’re going to compare yourself to yourself and then....” his voice trailed off.
“Exactly!” Nathan said. “If you find my existing augmentation impressive, just wait until you see what I become next!”
“No,” he whispered. “You can’t. It’s too much! It would be .. unnatural”
“Exactly as I intend!” Nathan said confidently, bending down to kiss David and then catching him as he nearly swooned. “However, even in my present, partially augmented state, I foresee that my current attire will become uncomfortable after my augmentation, so I will change first. Just to amuse myself with a little challenge to you, I will now leave you alone with the machine. You may either try to undo my changes or apply them to yourself before I return. You won't have much time so hurry, darling. Hee hee! I’ll be right back, little guy!”
He left the basement, the strength in his long legs propelling him up the stairs at great speed. David stared after him a moment, then shook his head violently to clear his thoughts and began feverishly working to reprogram the computer to take back control. But he found his way quickly blocked by an ingenious firewall he could not penetrate.
“Damn him!” he muttered. “How can he be so much smarter than me?!”
He was still trying to get through it when he heard Nathan coming back down the steps. Like a guilty schoolboy, he stopped typing and turned, standing in front of the monitor to hide his efforts.
A pair of long, thick, striated legs came into view as Nathan made his way back down the stairs. He had found and put on a pair of David's gym shorts, and they left nothing to the imagination. He did a 360, giving David a great look at his bubble butt. He was also wearing one of his muscle tank tops, which fit him more snugly then it had ever had David.
“I can see you're a fan,” he said, noticing the reaction beneath David's slacks. “Now you’re completely distracted, as I knew you’d be. When you're in this state your mental powers decline by 25%, you know. Unnecessary from my perspective but flattering nevertheless.”
The stunned David moved aside as Nathan came up to the panel.
“Ahh, I can see you haven't moved past ‘first base’. You’ve been trying to undo my programming,” he said. “Naughty, naughty. But it’s irrelevant, I knew you’d never break my simple passwords. You didn't even get past the first one, and there were 18 more of increasing complexity and elegance! Even they will seem like child’s play to me in a minute. I’ll be capable of mental feats far beyond your comprehension. Now stand back, little man. Nate's got some real work to do.”
“Now, Nathan,” David began in a stern voice. “Hey!”
As if he were a mere toddler, Nathan had picked him up under his armpits, carried him across the basement and dumped him down next to the wall.
“I said keep back, and now I mean it! DO you understand?”
Not only his size, but also his force of will, which doubtless was also now superior to his own, intimidated him. Looking up into Nathan's fierce blue eyes and his huge muscles, which he flexed up even more once he noticed David's eyes on them. David nodded numbly, his tongue thick in his mouth.
Nathan marched back to his machine, flicked it on.
There was no warm up or pause. The blue beam, deeper and more intense than before, immediately flashed across Nathan's body, starting at his head and proceeding down to his feet before it snapped off.
A few seconds later, the same beam shot out, this time starting at his feet and moving upward before disappearing.
The machine cycled off.
“All right, you don’t have to stay by the wall any longer.” Nathan told David. “But let me be clear. As I am your superior, when I make decisions, you must follow them. Immediately. You are never EVER to disobey me again!”
The authority in his voice was overwhelming. David felt his will and resistance drain away. Nathan grew taller as David slowly approached, and his muscles added inches as well, making his presence even more commanding. David felt as though he were just 4 feet tall.
“Are you....?” he began.
“Am I what?” slowly approached asked, staring down at him imperiously, a blue vertical vein having risen under the skin in the middle of his lofty forehead.
“...all right?” he finished lamely, his voice little more then a whisper, looking up at him in awe.
Nathan eyed him disdainfully. His dirty blonde hair radiated golden light.
“Oh David, you hopeless, inferior man.” he said. “You can never even comprehend just how superior I am. My mental capacity has grown a thousand times. I am capable of feats that will appear godlike to lesser beings like yourself. Why, I have more strength in this pinkie finger than you have in your entire body.” To illustrate, he closed his pinkie around the metal rim of David's laboratory chair and twisted it apart.
David started shaking in fear.
'Ahhh, yes. Recognition of your complete inferiority, abject fear and submission. These are the proper responses of one such as you to one such as me.'
Even as he watched Nathan's finger in amazement, it perceptibly grew even larger. It wasn't only his fingers, though. David's eyes moved slowly across Nathan's body past his hip-hugging shorts, his granite waist, his abs like plates of steel under bronzed skin, his magnificent chest straining the confines of his now too tight shirt on him, and then up further still, to the laser beam steel blue eyes now more than a foot above his own.
“I am six feet, eleven and one half inches tall.” Nathan said, as if reading his unvoiced question within David's mind.
“How did you know....?” he started.
“Your posture, your eyes, your body language shouts what you are thinking,” he said. “With the superior intellect such as I now possess, your mind has the comparable intelligence of a babbling infant. Your thoughts, feelings, desires and plans are wholly and instantly transparent to me.” He closed his eyes slowly and shifted his body slightly, the movement setting an incomprehensible explosion of desire in David. “You like that, little guy? You are a cute little guy, of course,' he added with a trace of playfulness. 'Even we advanced beings need toys for amusement and pleasure. Speaking of which...'
Nathan was looking at a particular area of David's pants. A blue ray shone from his eyes directly at that area, and David immediately felt a not-entirely-comfortable tightness in his crotch.
“As you can see, I’ve internalized the capabilities of the machine. I’m sure you won’t mind, David, but I will insist that my toys be superior as well in all RELEVANT respects! And now we shall see whether you will need any further adjustments to be fully suitable for our future relationship.”

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Story 12 Apr 2012 | 04:27 pm

Brawna muscle growth definition

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Storyby magnusmagnetoread more

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Story 12 Apr 2012 | 12:27 pm


Female muscle growth Brawna. Request new password; All stories on Brawna remain the property of their authors. REDDIT FITNESS » Workouts and High Tech Fitness, Reddit. On Reddit Fitness you can find. THE MALE MUSCLE GROWTH ARCHIVE VERSION 070326. 3/26/07. 4147 STORIES. Sort by Title Sort by Author Sort by Newest. My biceps are almost 16' when pumped after a heavy workout. My thighs are 25', calves 14', 165 pounds all rock hard muscle. I enjoy dominating my husband, he is not physically active, he mostly just sits in his office, so he fatten up the last years. Ladybumps, from Diana the Valkyrie You have found the Ladybumps page of Diana the Valkyrie. My email address is If you are not an adult, you should now.

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Storyby magnusmagnetoread more

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Story 12 Apr 2012 | 04:27 pm

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Storyby magnusmagnetoread more

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Story 12 Apr 2012 | 12:27 pm

The Duel - A Female Muscle Growth Storyby magnusmagnetoread more

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